300x More Potent Than Reishi | Reishi Spore Oil

2012-06-07 237

Learn more here: http://hyperionherbs.com/shop/reishi-spore-oil-capsules/
What is Reishi Spore Oil?
First of all, so we all understand, spores are what the reishi releases when it becomes a mature mushroom. In essence, they're its essence. They come in powder form. Reishi spore oil is the oil that is extracted from the spore powder and is a transparent amber color.
Why is it so Expensive?
I'm sure this is one of the first on everyone's mind. Reishi spore oil is so expensive because it is extremely concentrated. It is basically the essential oil, not even of the mushroom itself, but of the spores, where essential nutrients of reishi mushroom can be found.
It takes:
1000 kg of mature Dunwood Reishi fruiting bodies to produce up to only I kg of spores. Over 1000 kg of spores to produce 1-3 kg of spore oil.
So, hopefully that illustrates how mush reishi mushroom is packed into every bottle, or every capsule even.